Consulting Insights

Are you a Consultant looking to establish and grow your consulting business? If so, subscribe to get the latest insights to help you SOAR and build a profitable, sustainable business.

Aug 15 • 3 min read

Not Making Progress You Want or Revenue Desired? Check out Consulting Mastery.


Let’s be real. You have experience. You are an expert in your field, but what if:

  • You worked hard to build your consulting business but you are not seeing the progress you hoped for.
  • Despite your best efforts you are feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.
  • The consistent income you desire seems out of reach.

If any of this resonates, know that you are not alone. Every entrepreneur faces moments where they consider walking away from their business.

The reality is building a consulting business that lasts—one that gives you the financial income you desire and freedom to live life on your terms—is a common challenge.

But, what if I told you there’s a clearer, simpler path to achieving this, without burning yourself out?

This path is guided by a few principles:

  • Keep it simple: Start by identifying the one thing you want to be known for—the thing that makes you the “Go-To” consultant in your field.
  • Don’t overcomplicate what you do: Continuously evaluate your actions and processes so that you ensure that everything you do is truly necessary.
  • Implement reasonable, repeatable processes: Use templates, scripts, and processes that help you build meaningful relationships with your ideal clients and create winning proposals.
And what if I told you, you could design and implement this clearer, simple path before the end of 2024?

That's precisely what the Consulting Mastery program is here to accomplish. This program is designed to help you create a personalized consulting blueprint that you can start using on day one in the program and continue to refine as your business expands.

Following a less-is-more philosophy, the program offers videos, templates, scripts, and the support of weekly group discussions, clinics, and feedback sessions. These resources help you clarify your focus, define your ideal client, and articulate your unique point of view. You'll also implement efficient, effective processes tailored to fit you and how you work, so that you to attract the right clients and craft winning proposals.

When Does It Start

The next Consulting Mastery program cohort starts on September 3rd and I’m looking for a small number of consultants who are interested in joining.

If you would like to hear more about the Consulting Mastery program continue reading or schedule a 45 minute one-on-one call with me.

Even More Support

Yes, you heard me right—a cohort. After speaking with many people, I decided to offer the Consulting Mastery program as a hybrid online course (which is how it originally was offered) with even more support:

  • Onboarding Call: A one-on-one call to discuss your specific needs and challenges.
  • Cohort Group Discussions: Sixteen weeks of group topic calls with replays.
  • Weekly Clinics: Six months of weekly clinics to ask questions between the topic group discussions.
  • Access to a Community Group: A place to connect with like-minded people and an additional way to ask questions and obtain feedback.
  • Feedback on Assignments: (All assignments are optional) Feedback on key decisions you make to ensure you’re on the right path.
  • Lifetime Access to Course Materials and Updates: Videos, workbooks, templates, and scripts to help you create your blueprint and save time.

There’s a recommended timeline, but you can move at your own pace—fast or slow. There is lots of support and lots of flexibility—all with the goal of helping you succeed.

What It Covers

The program begins with discussions on your Focus, Ideal Client, and Point of View—your What, Why, Who, and How. As you clarify them, you’ll be performing research and starting to build meaningful relationships with your ideal clients and gathering some basic marketing essentials.

Because you’ll be engaging with people who fit your ideal client profile, the program next covers what to do when someone asks for your help. We’ll work on your process for discovery meetings, developing an approach, determining a price, and crafting winning proposals. The aim is to get you a client, or additional clients, sooner rather than later. What better time than as you complete your ideal client research and clarified your point of view and services.

Getting a client is great, but the goal is to keep your momentum going by consistently connecting with potential clients. The program concludes with a focus on creating a process to build awareness of you and foster relationships with the right people. We’ll concentrate on three key active strategies: networking, targeted outreach, and referrals.

The final result is by the end of sixteen weeks, you have a blueprint for your consulting business and you are positioned to start 2025 on a high note.

Interested in Knowing More

If you are interested in hearing more about the program or you need help figuring out if you are working on things to move your forward, schedule a free strategy session with me.

If you are serious about building a successful consulting business, Book your Call Now.

Are you a Consultant looking to establish and grow your consulting business? If so, subscribe to get the latest insights to help you SOAR and build a profitable, sustainable business.

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